Bristol Italian notes and queries

Note about the website header

'Romulus and Remus ' is from the cover of Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome 1849 edition illustrated  by George Scharf - first Director of the National Portrait Gallery.

July 2017 Millennium Square: BAIC members enjoyed watching, La Traviata, a live streaming from the  Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. It was an enchanting evening. An amazing  performance enjoyed by all as shown here:

 Paper and Presentation to BA-IC from Dr Quentin Broughall on Ancient Rome and the Victorians will be linked here: Link to BA-IC files

1) Where and what is this theatrical interior?
Photo DMB 2006

In Sabbioneta near Mantua. It is a view from the stage of the auditorium of one of only three extant Renaissance Italian theatres. Inspired by Palladio, il teatro all' anticca (1588/90) the architect was Scamozzi and it was the first purpose built free standing theatre in the modern world.