Notes from AGMs

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 12 noon 2nd June 2018

 The Old Rectory, Rockhampton, S.Glos GL13 9DT

This is a draft for the minutes. Please read and let me know if I have missed anything. 

1. Meeting started at 12.25. Mike welcomed all attendees
2. Apologies : wendy Fraser, the Lucas and the Bannermanns

3. 2017 minutes were approved, proposed by Robert seconded by Rachel
4. Matters arising: Robert informed meeting that we had the use of the hall at Westbury field at no charge, in return, residents can attend our meeting for free.
It was noted that we did not received the programme of the Italian dept of Bristol University. DB will follow up so that we receive it in 2018/2019..
5. Membership secretary report:
a) data protection:  CM had sent an email to all members requesting  them to confirm whether they would like to continue receiving our general emails. This to be in compliance with the GDPR that came into effect on 25/05/2018.
CM received replies from 21 people. She will be sending another note reminding people to respond otherwise they will not be receiving anymore emails from BAIC.
b) CM has now an updated list of paid up members. She will be reconciling with RW the amounts received ..
c) CM advised meeting that she is holding £30 in cash which she will be banking  soon. This is guest fees as well as drinks during April meeting. This amount was included in the accounts report.
d) DB proposed the annual membership fees remain the same: 15£ individual, 25£ per couple. This was approved unanimously by show of hand.

6. Treasurer report: copy attached
- RW informed meeting that we have a healthy balance in the bank, This is mainly due to saving on venue hire as well as reasonable fees for speakers. 
- he informed meeting that he paid Mike £69.- to cover expenses for 25 year anniversary afternoon gathering hosted by Melita As well as AGM 2018 expenses. These were not included in the 2017/2018 accounts report... 
RW and CM to coordinate  when new membership fees are paid for the 2018/2019 season 
Accounts were approved, proposed by DB seconded by Melita.

7. Programme secretary report: proposed programme copy attached, confirmation needed from various speakers.

DB went thru the programme month by month, there were many discussions over this. A final copy will be sent to committee before printing ready for the October meeting.
DB proposed to print it In the same format, 200 copies, all were in agreement.
Copies to be distributed to clubs, institutions, universities, etc...
Below are few proposals by attendees, for speakers:
1. Peggy proposed Robert Andrews 
2. CM proposed to get in touch with Bath Uni
3. Melita proposed to get in touch with Simon Stoddard ( the first AIC chairman) who was (and could still be) a lecturer at Cambridge ..
4. CM proposed to ask Paddy whether his brother in law (an archeologist) will be interested in giving a talk.
DM will follow up on all these proposals.
DM proposed to add on the programme the "live transmission" from London Opera House, of the Opera, in July/August.

Mike proposed a vote of thanks for the work DB does to put the programme together.

8. Officers:  the committee was re-elected for the 2018/2019 season:
Chair MB
Treasurer RW
Secretary HB
Membership CM
Programme DB
Proposed by Rachel, seconded by Margaret.

9. AOB : 
1. DB informed meeting that the present venue  was a little off putting for few people: access to the main gate, then access to the main building. Apparently it has deterred some people from attending the monthly meetings......
He proposed to check again other venues, more central, easy access and easy parking...with sound system, screen, etc...
If anyone has any ideas, to please advise a committee member.
HB will be checking with Clifton Cathedral and Omega (Alma) church hall.

2) Melita requested to improve the sound system at the it was rather difficult last season to follow what the speaker was talking about.
3) DB will make enquiries regarding cost of buying our own speakers/sound system.....
4) DB informed meeting that there was an enquiry for membership via BAIC website. He will be inviting them to join...
5) DB advised meeting that Cheltenham Anglo Italian circle will be celebrating their 60th anniversary this year, on Wednesday 14 November 2018 at 7.30pm, tickets are £10.- including a glass of wine/juice...
The speaker, Peter Medhurst, musician and scholar, the 
subject is Venice, the golden centre for Opera. 
It will be an evening of music with visual art and he will perform live vocal and keyboard to compliment the theme of the talk.

For further details, please get in touch with DB.

There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 13.30



1 Welcome
Michael Britten welcomed Wendy Fraser, Diana Bruce and David Bruce with a glass of Prosecco. He again regretted the shortage of attendees.

2  Apologies
Received from Robert and Margaret Walters, Rachel Crozier, Hilda Ball, Jane Bragge, Jeff and Ursula Lucas, Sandra Kendall, Norman and Janet Taylor, Melita and Martin Rowe
3  Minutes of the last meeting
Were agreed.
4  Matters arising
David Bruce and Robert Walters did last summer arrange accommodation for our meetings at Westbury Fields, Cricket Lane, Westbury on Trym, which has proved most satisfactory [although the lack of a data projector had on occasions caused problems, which to date have been covered by using David Bruce’s own machine. Michael Britten has kindly provided a screen for meetings]. 
6  Membership Secretary’s Report
Wendy Fraser reported that 29 members had paid this year a drop of 11 on the previous year.
The attendance at meetings of some residents of Westbury Fields (gratis as agreed) was welcomed. A poster was to be made and displayed to attract more.
The AGM examined the existing mailing list of 60 potential and past members and confirmed the deletion of 5 failed emails and noted that a number of former paid-up members were interested in rejoining this autumn.
7  Treasurer’s Report
Robert Walters’ report had been pre-circulated and was agreed. It was noted that a small loss of £20 had been made this year but that reserves stood at over £1200.
8  Programme Secretary’s Report
The 2016-17 had been successfully completed and reports of most of the talks were being or had already been published on the new website All the speakers were congratulated and were warmly thanked. The day out to Bowood in May had been cancelled as David Bruce did not have time to arrange it. It was agreed that the AGM Saturday lunch would revert to the first Saturday in June next year – 3rd.
Various ideas for speakers for 2016-17 were discussed and noted at the meeting, all of which will be considered. David Bruce is in the process of contacting speakers for the coming 2016-17 programme and details will be published as usual in early September. It was noted that the University Italian Department was planning events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the floods in Florence and it was agreed that BA-IC would co-operate with them on this.
The official website remains ‘frozen’ but has links to the ne website. Renewed efforts to transfer the URL from the former web management company will be pursued.
9  Officers
Michael Britten agreed to continue as Chair, David Bruce as Secretary and Programme Secretary, Wendy Fraser with Hilda Ball as Membership Secretary, Robert Walters as Treasurer. Jeff Lucas was recorded as a Committee Member and it was agreed to invite Rachel Crozier to rejoin the Committee.
10  Any other business
 It was agreed to continue meeting at Westbury Fields and to pursue further links with other Italian associations.
Meeting closed at 12.45. and was followed by a delicious bring-and-share lunch with the Circle provide bread, wine and soft drinks.
                                                                                                 David Bruce

4th June 2016